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 Good stuff: Parasitical OZschwitz judges lose wages cap exemption

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Good stuff: Parasitical OZschwitz judges lose wages cap exemption Vide
PostSubject: Good stuff: Parasitical OZschwitz judges lose wages cap exemption   Good stuff: Parasitical OZschwitz judges lose wages cap exemption Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2012 5:35 pm

SALARY increases for judges and magistrates in NSW will be brought in line with the rest of the public service and capped at 2.5 per cent after a state government decision to remove their exemption from its wages policy.

Good stuff: Parasitical OZschwitz judges lose wages cap exemption Artjudges2620x349

However, Supreme Court judges will be awarded a 3 per cent pay rise this year after they argued that restricting their salaries could lead to a loss of talent. As a result a Supreme Court judge will get $402,810 and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court $450,750.

When the Finance Minister, Greg Pearce, announced last year that pay increases for teachers, nurses and other public servants would be capped at 2.5 per cent unless offset by employee-related savings, he said judges and magistrates would be exempt. This was because of an agreement between the states and the federal government in 1989 that the salary of judges and magistrates would not exceed 85 per cent of those of High Court judges.

In its latest salary determination the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal reveals that the state government has decided to make judges and magistrates subject to the cap. It notes that Mr Pearce told parliament the government would continue to review the decision to ensure the salaries of judges and magistrates ''do not place undue pressure on state finances''. The tribunal says it ''respects the government's concern with fiscal rectitude'' and notes the current rate of inflation is ''unusually low'', therefore ''an increase of 2.5 per cent in this year would appear to be quite reasonable''.

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