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 Good stuff: Burma to free hundreds of prisoners

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Good stuff: Burma to free hundreds of prisoners Vide
PostSubject: Good stuff: Burma to free hundreds of prisoners   Good stuff: Burma to free hundreds of prisoners Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 3:39 am

The Burmese authorities say that 452 prisoners will be released in a goodwill gesture, days ahead of a visit by US President Barack Obama.

Good stuff: Burma to free hundreds of prisoners 64151917af2e1f906c1e462

Political dissidents could be among those freed, but it is not clear how many.

Human rights groups say there are around 300 political prisoners.

Mr Obama's visit, the first by a serving US president, is intended to encourage the government to continue a reform programme begun last year.

Previous amnesties have included many non-political prisoners.

Some foreign nationals were among those due to be released in the latest amnesty, state media said.
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