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 4 D lulz: Military suspends privileges of women at center of Petraeus scandal

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4 D lulz: Military suspends privileges of women at center of Petraeus scandal Vide
PostSubject: 4 D lulz: Military suspends privileges of women at center of Petraeus scandal   4 D lulz: Military suspends privileges of women at center of Petraeus scandal Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 3:28 am

The military has suspended the security clearances of Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley, the women in the heart of the David Petraeus sex scandal.

Broadwell, a West Point graduate, is a former Army intelligence officer and held a high security clearance. Because her clearance was issued through the Army, it was the service's move to suspend it.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Steven Warren says the decision to indefinitely suspend Kelley's pass to MacDill Air Force Base was made in the last couple of days.

Warren said it was decided the pass suspension would be in the best interest of the Air Force base community. Kelley can still enter the base but now must report to the visitor center and sign in like everyone who doesn't have a pass.
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4 D lulz: Military suspends privileges of women at center of Petraeus scandal

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