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 LOL: FBI agent under review for conduct in Petraeus scandal

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LOL: FBI agent under review for conduct in Petraeus scandal Vide
PostSubject: LOL: FBI agent under review for conduct in Petraeus scandal   LOL: FBI agent under review for conduct in Petraeus scandal Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 3:26 am

The FBI agent whose actions started the investigation that eventually led to CIA Director David Petraeus' resignation was identified Wednesday as Frederick W. Humphries, who had met one of the women at the heart of the sex scandal last year, Fox News confirms.

LOL: FBI agent under review for conduct in Petraeus scandal Humphrieskelley2

Humphries, 47, is a veteran counterterrorism investigator in the FBI office in Tampa, Fla., where Jill Kelley, the woman he met, is a socialite with a high profile in military circles.
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LOL: FBI agent under review for conduct in Petraeus scandal

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