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 From the usual idiots: Scientists use novel technique to probe the nature of 'dark energy' some 10 billion years in the past

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From the usual idiots: Scientists use novel technique to probe the nature of 'dark energy' some 10 billion years in the past Vide
PostSubject: From the usual idiots: Scientists use novel technique to probe the nature of 'dark energy' some 10 billion years in the past   From the usual idiots: Scientists use novel technique to probe the nature of 'dark energy' some 10 billion years in the past Icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2012 9:54 pm

They hope it will bring them closer to an explanation for the strange force that appears to be driving the Universe apart at an accelerating rate.

From the usual idiots: Scientists use novel technique to probe the nature of 'dark energy' some 10 billion years in the past 5938578259385781

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From the usual idiots: Scientists use novel technique to probe the nature of 'dark energy' some 10 billion years in the past

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