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 WHOA! 42 poLICE officers whacked in Kenya

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WHOA!  42 poLICE officers whacked in Kenya Vide
PostSubject: WHOA! 42 poLICE officers whacked in Kenya   WHOA!  42 poLICE officers whacked in Kenya Icon_minitimeMon Nov 12, 2012 11:02 pm

At least 42 officers were killed when cattle rustlers ambushed police, officials say, after more bodies were found on Monday.

WHOA!  42 poLICE officers whacked in Kenya 6408275464081865

The attackers used sophisticated weapons such as anti-personnel bombs and rocket-propelled grenades, one local official said.

A religious leader told the BBC that villagers feared being caught up in further revenge attacks.

This is the most deadly attack on the police in Kenya's history.

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WHOA! 42 poLICE officers whacked in Kenya

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