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 Here we go! BBC news executives 'step aside'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Here we go! BBC news executives 'step aside' Vide
PostSubject: Here we go! BBC news executives 'step aside'   Here we go! BBC news executives 'step aside' Icon_minitimeMon Nov 12, 2012 5:01 am

The BBC's director of news, Helen Boaden, and her deputy Steve Mitchell have been asked to "step aside" pending the outcome of an internal review.

Here we go! BBC news executives 'step aside' 64076390464boadenmitche

It comes after director general George Entwistle quit on Saturday.

A single management was being re-established to deal with all output "to address the lack of clarity around the editorial chain of command".

The staff changes come about after Newsnight investigations into abuse.

Mr Entwistle resigned after a Newsnight report led to former Tory treasurer, Lord McAlpine, being wrongly accused of child abuse in north Wales in the 1980s.

A report was commissioned by Mr Entwistle after Newsnight unreservedly apologised on Friday for the programme.

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Here we go! BBC news executives 'step aside'

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