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 Burn 'em: Mexico charges 14 federal poLICE over attack on CIA agents

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
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Burn 'em: Mexico charges 14 federal poLICE over attack on CIA agents Vide
PostSubject: Burn 'em: Mexico charges 14 federal poLICE over attack on CIA agents   Burn 'em: Mexico charges 14 federal poLICE over attack on CIA agents Icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2012 11:45 pm

Mexico on Friday formally charged 14 federal police officers with attempted murder for an August attack on two U.S. agents, identified by sources as CIA agents, that embarrassed the Mexican governmentwith its powerful northern neighbor.

Mexican security sources have placed responsibility for the attack on corrupt police working in cahoots with drug gangs.

The Attorney General's office said it had issued arrest warrants for the 14 federal police officers, charging them with attempted murder and property damage for the attack which peppered a diplomatic vehicle with 152 bullet holes.

The 14 officers come from the southern Mexico City district of Tlalpan and were already in police custody, the statement said.

"The charged police officers tried to kill two employees of the U.S. Embassy in Mexico and a Mexican Marine," the Attorney General's office said.
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Burn 'em: Mexico charges 14 federal poLICE over attack on CIA agents

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