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 Yee-Pee! 17 Turkish soldiers killed in helicopter crash

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Yee-Pee! 17 Turkish soldiers killed in helicopter crash Vide
PostSubject: Yee-Pee! 17 Turkish soldiers killed in helicopter crash   Yee-Pee! 17 Turkish soldiers killed in helicopter crash Icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2012 5:25 pm

Seventeen soldiers have been killed in a helicopter crash in southeast Turkey, Turkish officials have said.

The helicopter went down due to bad weather conditions in the Siirt province, according to local officials and state media.

Siirt Governor Ahmet Aydin also said the victims were members of Turkish special forces.

The Turkish military is active in the south-east, fighting Kurdish militants.

State-run television said the the crash occurred in heavy fog in a mountainous area, but authorities are still investigating exactly what happened.

Governor Aydin said the 13 soldiers and four crew members of the Sikorsky helicopter had been killed, with no survivors.

Kurdish rebels are active in the area, but there is no indication they were involved in the incident.
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Yee-Pee! 17 Turkish soldiers killed in helicopter crash

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