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 The good: Puerto Rico jury awards $11.5 million to family of unarmed man shot to death by barbaric poLICE

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The good: Puerto Rico jury awards $11.5 million to family of unarmed man shot to death by barbaric poLICE Vide
PostSubject: The good: Puerto Rico jury awards $11.5 million to family of unarmed man shot to death by barbaric poLICE   The good: Puerto Rico jury awards $11.5 million to family of unarmed man shot to death by barbaric poLICE Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2012 6:00 pm

A jury in Puerto Rico has awarded $11.5 million in damages to the family of an unarmed man who was shot to death by police in 2007.

The family of Miguel Caceres celebrated Friday's verdict.

Three officers were charged in Caceres' killing, which was caught on video.

Officer Javier Pagan Cruz was convicted of first-degree murder in 2008 and is serving 109 years in prison.
The two other officers, Carlos Sustache Sustache and Zulma Diaz de Leon, were acquitted in 2011 of being accessories to murder.

The shooting occurred after Caceres insulted an officer, which led to a scuffle. The video shows Pagan wrestling Caceres to the floor and shooting him at least three times, once in the head.

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The good: Puerto Rico jury awards $11.5 million to family of unarmed man shot to death by barbaric poLICE

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