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 Idiotic voters: Tax-initiative passage opens floodgates in California

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Idiotic voters: Tax-initiative passage opens floodgates in California Vide
PostSubject: Idiotic voters: Tax-initiative passage opens floodgates in California   Idiotic voters: Tax-initiative passage opens floodgates in California Icon_minitimeThu Nov 08, 2012 9:30 pm

After decades of fighting with tight-fisted taxpayers and Republicans for more money, California’s Democrats finally saw the revenue floodgates open Tuesday.

Not only did voters approve a $6 billion sales- and income-tax increase in a ballot initiative, but they appear to have elected supermajorities to both houses of the Legislature, meaning Democrats can raise taxes without having to finagle any Republican votes.
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Idiotic voters: Tax-initiative passage opens floodgates in California

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