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 Thanx Cuomo: New York's emergency management director fired for sending crews to his OWN house during Superstorm Sandy to remove downed tree

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Thanx Cuomo: New York's emergency management director fired for sending crews to his OWN house during Superstorm Sandy to remove downed tree Vide
PostSubject: Thanx Cuomo: New York's emergency management director fired for sending crews to his OWN house during Superstorm Sandy to remove downed tree   Thanx Cuomo: New York's emergency management director fired for sending crews to his OWN house during Superstorm Sandy to remove downed tree Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2012 1:09 am

New York's emergency management director has been fired by the governor after it was revealed he diverted rescue crews to his own house in the midst of Superstorm Sandy recovery.

Thanx Cuomo: New York's emergency management director fired for sending crews to his OWN house during Superstorm Sandy to remove downed tree Article222989415eac79e0
That's the statist maggot.

Steven Kuhr, who was working in the state capital of Albany, reportedly told emergency management crews to go to his house in Long Island and clear a tree from his driveway.

The order was given as millions of people were without power and hundreds of other needed rescuing in the aftermath of the devastating storm that ravaged New Jersey and New York.

The New York Times reports that Mr Kuhr called the Suffolk County Office of Emergency Management after the storm and demanded county workers go to his home in East Northport and remove the downed tree.

When Gov Andrew Cuomo learned of the order Mr Kuhr made, he fired him from his $153,000 a year job.

Mr Kuhr ran the State Office of Emergency Management, New York's version of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which has coordinate the state's response to the storm.

New York was hard hit by the storm last week, which killed 47 people in the state and left 2.2million without power.
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Thanx Cuomo: New York's emergency management director fired for sending crews to his OWN house during Superstorm Sandy to remove downed tree

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