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 OZschwitz Conroy backs away from internet filter - YeePee

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz Conroy backs away from internet filter - YeePee Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz Conroy backs away from internet filter - YeePee   OZschwitz Conroy backs away from internet filter - YeePee Icon_minitimeThu Nov 08, 2012 6:04 pm

THE federal government has abandoned its long-standing commitment to introduce a national internet filter and will instead ban websites related only to child abuse.

OZschwitz Conroy backs away from internet filter - YeePee Artconroybacks620x349

Following years of debate about trying to censor the internet, the Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, said the government would no longer proceed with ''mandatory filtering legislation''. It would, however, use powers under the Telecommunications Act to block hundreds of child abuse websites already identified on Interpol's ''worst of'' list.

Senator Conroy said blocking these sites met ''community expectations and fulfils the government's commitment to preventing Australian internet users from accessing child abuse material online''.

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OZschwitz Conroy backs away from internet filter - YeePee

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