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 Turkey: Trial of Israhellis Begins Over Gaza Flotilla Raid - Nail them!

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Turkey: Trial of Israhellis Begins Over Gaza Flotilla Raid - Nail them! Vide
PostSubject: Turkey: Trial of Israhellis Begins Over Gaza Flotilla Raid - Nail them!   Turkey: Trial of Israhellis Begins Over Gaza Flotilla Raid - Nail them! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 07, 2012 2:48 am

The trial in absentia of four former Israeli military commanders charged in the 2010 killings of nine people aboard a Gaza-bound aid ship opened Tuesday in Istanbul. Hundreds of protesters chanting “Murderer Israel” gathered outside the court as witnesses and relatives of those killed in the raid began to testify. Israeli marines stormed the aid ship in 2010 to enforce a naval blockade of the Palestinian-run Gaza Strip. The nine — eight Turks and an American of Turkish descent — were killed in clashes on board. Israel dismissed the proceedings against four of its most senior retired military commanders as a politically motivated “show trial.”
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Turkey: Trial of Israhellis Begins Over Gaza Flotilla Raid - Nail them!

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