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 Wash. voters legalize recreational pot use - YeePee

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Wash. voters legalize recreational pot use - YeePee Vide
PostSubject: Wash. voters legalize recreational pot use - YeePee   Wash. voters legalize recreational pot use - YeePee Icon_minitimeWed Nov 07, 2012 2:13 am

Washington voters legalized recreational pot use on Tuesday, setting up a showdown with a federal government that backs the drug's prohibition.

Wash. voters legalize recreational pot use - YeePee 628x471mv

Initiative 502 would create a system of state-licensed marijuana growers, processors and retail stores, where adults over 21 can buy up to an ounce. It also establishes a standard blood test limit for driving under the influence.

"Today the state of Washington looked at 70 years of marijuana prohibition and said it's time for a new approach," said Alison Holcomb, campaign manager for the initiative.

With 50 percent of precincts reporting, the measure was passing by a vote of 55 percent to 45 percent.

Supporters celebrated with joints on a sidewalk outside the campaign party in downtown Seattle.

"I've been selling pot for 38 years," said supporter Ben Schroeter. "I've been busted multiple times, most recently eight days ago. Prohibition is stupid. We've known for decades it's stupid and this is extremely important."

Legalization could help bring in hundreds of millions of dollars a year in pot taxes, reduce small-time pot-related arrests and give supporters a chance to show whether decriminalization is a viable strategy in the war on drugs.
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Wash. voters legalize recreational pot use - YeePee

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