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 LOL, statists vs statists: SAS soldiers tortured Iraqi poLICEmen during a top-secret mission

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LOL, statists vs statists: SAS soldiers tortured Iraqi poLICEmen during a top-secret mission Vide
PostSubject: LOL, statists vs statists: SAS soldiers tortured Iraqi poLICEmen during a top-secret mission   LOL, statists vs statists: SAS soldiers tortured Iraqi poLICEmen during a top-secret mission Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 4:15 am

The Special Air Service is under investigation after claims that its soldiers tortured Iraqi policemen during a top-secret mission.

LOL, statists vs statists: SAS soldiers tortured Iraqi poLICEmen during a top-secret mission Article222745515d5ad7d0

The alleged abuses were said to have happened on an operation to discover who murdered six Royal Military policemen – or Red Caps.

Six days after the Red Caps were executed by ringleaders of a mob in southern Iraq, SAS soldiers visited the police station where the killings took place.

It is claimed they beat the Iraqi policemen with rifles, punched and hooded them, banged their heads against walls and forced them to maintain stress positions.

Former SAS Commanding Officer Colonel Richard Williams is among 40 troops under investigation about the allegations of brutality.

His soldiers face charges of actual bodily harm and grievous bodily harm. If found guilty, they could be jailed.
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LOL, statists vs statists: SAS soldiers tortured Iraqi poLICEmen during a top-secret mission

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