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 Awww, British engineer assassinated in French Alps 'linked to Saddam's £15m oil-for-food fraud'

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Awww, British engineer assassinated in French Alps 'linked to Saddam's £15m oil-for-food fraud' Vide
PostSubject: Awww, British engineer assassinated in French Alps 'linked to Saddam's £15m oil-for-food fraud'   Awww, British engineer assassinated in French Alps 'linked to Saddam's £15m oil-for-food fraud' Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 4:03 am

The British engineer murdered in the French Alps has been linked to a secret trust thought to contain up to £15 million in illegal kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's regime.

Awww, British engineer assassinated in French Alps 'linked to Saddam's £15m oil-for-food fraud' Article014e8d4c9000005d

It was set up in the tax haven of Liechtenstein and was one of hundreds the Iraqi tyrant and his cronies used worldwide to hide money skimmed from the UN oil-for-food programme, according to intelligence sources.

Emails and mobile phone calls intercepted by Swiss intelligence agency FIS and passed to their German counterparts suggest that Saad Al-Hilli may have been about to access the money, or part of it, shortly before he was killed.
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Awww, British engineer assassinated in French Alps 'linked to Saddam's £15m oil-for-food fraud'

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