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 3 more Egyptian poLICEmen whacked - Rejoice

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3 more Egyptian poLICEmen whacked - Rejoice Vide
PostSubject: 3 more Egyptian poLICEmen whacked - Rejoice   3 more Egyptian poLICEmen whacked - Rejoice Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 2:04 am

On Saturday, three Egyptian policemen were killed in the city of el-Arish in the North Sinai governorate. At least one other policeman was injured in the attack, which security officials say was likely carried out by jihadists operating in the area.

"Armed men who might belong to a jihadist group attacked a police vehicle and fired on its passengers before fleeing," a security source said, according to AFP. Reuters similarly reported that a "police source said [the] attackers were probably militants who Egyptian forces...have been hunting since the ambush killing of 16 border guards on Aug. 5."

According to the Associated Press, after shooting the police vehicle and prior to driving away, the attackers "raised a black flag associated with jihadis and shouted 'God is great.'" No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, which may have been carried out in response to the killing of a number of Bedouin by Egyptian police last week.
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3 more Egyptian poLICEmen whacked - Rejoice

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