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 Just deserts: US sailor found dead in Japanese train station

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Just deserts: US sailor found dead in Japanese train station Vide
PostSubject: Just deserts: US sailor found dead in Japanese train station   Just deserts: US sailor found dead in Japanese train station Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2012 7:51 pm

A Japan-based sailor was found dead Sunday at a train station in Sasebo city, Stars and Stripes reported.

Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class Samuel Lewis Stiles, 25, was found face down on the train platform around 5 a.m. at Japan Railways’ Haiki station. The cause of death is under investigation, but Japanese media reported the sailor was climbing on top of a train when he was shocked by an overhead power line, then fell and hit his head, according to the newspaper.

Several empty cans of a Japanese cocktail were found near his body, according to the report, but officials had not yet performed a blood test to determine whether he’d been drinking.

Based on the time the body was found, Stiles may have been out past the curfew recently set for sailors in Japan after two sailors allegedly raped a Japanese woman, CNN reported. Sailors cannot be out between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Stiles had been assigned to Navy Munitions Command, East Asia Division, Detachment Sasebo, since October 2010. The sailor, who enlisted in September 2006, had previously served aboard the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson.
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Just deserts: US sailor found dead in Japanese train station

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