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 Nice one: CO, 3 officers sacked after Russian port visit

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Nice one: CO, 3 officers sacked after Russian port visit Vide
PostSubject: Nice one: CO, 3 officers sacked after Russian port visit   Nice one: CO, 3 officers sacked after Russian port visit Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2012 7:29 pm

The commanding officer of the frigate Vandegrift was fired and three key officers were removed from the ship after an investigation found drunken behavior and inappropriate misconduct during a September port visit in Russia, the Navy announced late Friday.

Nice one: CO, 3 officers sacked after Russian port visit 110312coxosacked800

Cmdr. Joseph R. Darlak, who has commanded the San Diego-based frigate since July 27, was relieved of command Friday by Capt. John L. Schultz “due to a loss of confidence after displaying poor leadership and failure to ensure the conduct of his wardroom officers” while visiting the Russian port of Vladivostok, said Cmdr. Tamsen Reese, a Naval Surface Force-Pacific spokeswoman in Coronado, Calif.

Schultz, who commands Destroyer Squadron 15, also fired the ship’s executive officer, Cmdr. Ivan Jimenez, and he also detached the ship’s operations officer and chief engineer “for personal conduct and use of alcohol,” Reese said.
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