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 Payback, statist motherfuckers: 'Syria rebels' kill captured troops

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Payback, statist motherfuckers: 'Syria rebels' kill captured troops Vide
PostSubject: Payback, statist motherfuckers: 'Syria rebels' kill captured troops   Payback, statist motherfuckers: 'Syria rebels' kill captured troops Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2012 1:56 am

A new video appears to show Syrian rebels killing a group of captured soldiers, spraying them with bullets as they lie on the ground, in what human rights groups warn could be a war crime.

The video raises concerns over the rebels just ahead of a major conference this weekend in Qatar at which the United States is trying to unify the opposition under a new leadership.

Washington and its allies have been hesitant to give stronger support to the rebellion in part because of worries over its multiple divisions and lack of organisation.

The killings took place on Thursday during an assault by rebels on the northern town of Saraqeb, the scene of heavy fighting in past weeks between rebels and forces of President Bashar Assad's regime, according to an anti-regime activist organisation, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Rebels are now in full control of Saraqeb after regime troops pulled back during Thursday's fighting, the Observatory said.
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