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 Great: (Another) Anti-Gay GOP Candidate Exposed As Pedophile, Indicted On 113 Charges

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Great: (Another) Anti-Gay GOP Candidate Exposed As Pedophile, Indicted On 113 Charges Vide
PostSubject: Great: (Another) Anti-Gay GOP Candidate Exposed As Pedophile, Indicted On 113 Charges   Great: (Another) Anti-Gay GOP Candidate Exposed As Pedophile, Indicted On 113 Charges Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 4:51 am

It’s almost a cliche at this point: Conservative candidate declares how much he hates “The Gay” as a way to prove just how much of a family man he his. Family values are important, don’tcha know? Vote for me! I hate gays and I believe in protecting our children!

Great: (Another) Anti-Gay GOP Candidate Exposed As Pedophile, Indicted On 113 Charges Ericbodenweisermugshot2

So he can molest them, instead.

Such is the story of Eric Bodenweiser, front runner for State Senator in Delware. Via Washington Blade:

The indictment includes 113 felony sex charges, including 39 counts of unlawful sexual intercourse — first-degree and 74 counts of unlawful sexual contact — second-degree. Although the indictment doesn’t identify the gender of the victim, the Gape Gazette identified the victim as a boy who allegedly was sexually abused by Bodenweiser between Oct. 1, 1987 and Aug. 31, 1990 when he was between the ages of 10 and 13.

The real story here isn’t that the GOP has yet another pedophile in its ranks, the Democratic Party has had some as well. The take away from this is the artificial nature of the GOP’s opposition to homosexuality. It seems that every other week, another secretly gay Republican comes tumbling out of the closet or another “pro-family” right winger turns out to be a sexual predator.

This is a clear indication that the GOP demands conformity on this issue regardless of how the candidate or elected official actually feels. The idea that a pedophile can look at homosexuality and declare that being gay is a threat to children is laughable. That a gay politician must vocally condemn his own sexual preference while hiding it from the public is sad beyond words.

In both cases, it is absolutely mandatory to follow the party line. This quashing of dissent or reasonable discourse reveals that the GOP’s “hatred” of homosexuals is nothing but a political ploy to enrage religious bigots. They don’t really care about sexual orientation outside of the votes such intolerance can get them.

The fact that conservatives constantly (and 100% falsely) seek to tie homosexuality to pedophilia is more proof that the goal is to whip up hatred for crass political gain. Pedophilia is universally despised (outside of actual pedophiles) so what better vehicle to deliver misplaced loathing to a gullible electorate?

Is there anything more grotesque than advocating a hatred not personally fell, demonizing millions of innocent citizens and creating an atmosphere in which homosexuals are bullied to death and killed outright for nothing more than a politician’s need to stay in power?

I think not.

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Great: (Another) Anti-Gay GOP Candidate Exposed As Pedophile, Indicted On 113 Charges

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