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 SUPERB: Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe

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SUPERB: Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe Vide
PostSubject: SUPERB: Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe   SUPERB: Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 4:30 am

One of the top Secret Service Agents assigned to President Obama's protective detail has apparently taken his own life. Law enforcement sources tell CBS News that Rafael Prieto, an Assistant Special Agent in-Charge in the President's Protective Detail, was found in a car inside a garage at an apartment complex in Northwest Washington D.C. on Saturday.

Prieto was discovered by Secret Service agents after they were not able to reach him by phone. The death is being investigated by the Washington Metropolitan Police Department. The Washington D.C. Medical Examiner said the cause of death was still being determined, but a law enforcement source said it appeared to be carbon monoxide poisoning from a running car in the closed garage.

Prieto had been suspended by the Secret Service, pending administrative action. Sources said Prieto's name surfaced as an outgrowth of the internal investigation into allegations that Secret Service agents patronized prostitutes in Columbia while doing advance work for the president's trip there.

Prieto was not a target of that investigation, but came to the attention of investigators when information surfaced that he had engaged in a long term relationship with a foreign citizen that he had not reported to the agency as required by regulations.



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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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SUPERB: Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe Vide
PostSubject: Re: SUPERB: Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe   SUPERB: Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probe Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 4:32 am

Probably killed by the feds for knowing too much.
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