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 Burn 'em: Philippine soldiers face court martial over family killings

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Burn 'em: Philippine soldiers face court martial over family killings Vide
PostSubject: Burn 'em: Philippine soldiers face court martial over family killings   Burn 'em: Philippine soldiers face court martial over family killings Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 11:14 pm

MANILA: Thirteen Philippine army soldiers will face court martial over the murder of the family of a tribal leader who has led opposition to an Australian-managed gold and copper mine on Mindanao.

An initial military inquiry has found the soldiers were ''negligent'' in not following rules of engagement in what has become known as the Tampakan massacre. They may face life imprisonment if found guilty.

The killings of Daguil Capion's pregnant wife, Juvy, 27, and sons Pop, 13, and John, 8, have sparked outrage on Mindanao, where Xstrata Copper and Indophil Resources plan to spend $5.7 billion building south-east Asia's biggest gold and copper mine in Tampakan, 65 kilometres north of General Santos City.

The killings are likely to fuel opposition to the mine, which already faces a delay because of a government inquiry.

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Burn 'em: Philippine soldiers face court martial over family killings

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