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 Funny: 'Our rivalry dates back to when Trump and I were growing up in Kenya': Obama hits back at The Donald after billionaire's 'gigantic' announcement backfired

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Funny: 'Our rivalry dates back to when Trump and I were growing up in Kenya': Obama hits back at The Donald after billionaire's 'gigantic' announcement backfired Vide
PostSubject: Funny: 'Our rivalry dates back to when Trump and I were growing up in Kenya': Obama hits back at The Donald after billionaire's 'gigantic' announcement backfired   Funny: 'Our rivalry dates back to when Trump and I were growing up in Kenya': Obama hits back at The Donald after billionaire's 'gigantic' announcement backfired Icon_minitimeThu Oct 25, 2012 3:19 am

President Obama offered a clever retort to Donald Trump after the real estate mogul offered to donate $5million to the charity of his choosing if he released college records and passport application.

Funny: 'Our rivalry dates back to when Trump and I were growing up in Kenya': Obama hits back at The Donald after billionaire's 'gigantic' announcement backfired Article015abd553000005d

Speaking on The Tonight Show, Obama told Jay Leno that the rivalry between began in their childhood. ‘This all dates back to when we were growing up in Kenya,' he joked. 'We had constant run-ins on the soccer field, he wasn’t very good.’

The president was referring to The Donald's highly publicised demands that the president present his birth certificate to prove that he was born in the U.S., and therefore eligible for the presidency.

Meanwhile, the billionaire's long-awaited 'major announcement' about Obama was labelled as something of a disappointment over what was promised.

Trump made his offer in a YouTube video released at noon today, two days after promising to make a 'gigantic' announcement about Obama which could change the course of the presidential race.

Web users reacted to the massive letdown with derision, with many taking to Twitter to mock the controversial businessman.

The Apprentice star previously denied staging a publicity stunt, insisting the announcement is 'not a media event', but instead is 'about the United States of America'.

A number of sensational claims about the content of the message had been swirling around the web for three days - one pundit with links to the billionaire even suggested that he was set to unearth divorce papers between Obama and his wife Michelle.

However, the man himself tweeted, 'All predictions re: my 12 o'clock release are totally incorrect. Stay tuned!' - and some may be disappointed by the relatively tame nature of the announcement.

Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement today that would be ‘bordering on gigantic' and that it would ‘possibly’ change the presidential race.

But when the announcement finally came, in the form of a YouTube video and accompanying Facebook post, it was somewhat less explosive than promised.
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Funny: 'Our rivalry dates back to when Trump and I were growing up in Kenya': Obama hits back at The Donald after billionaire's 'gigantic' announcement backfired

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