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 Republican idiot Richard Mourdock: Even pregnancy from rape something "God intended"

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Republican idiot Richard Mourdock: Even pregnancy from rape something "God intended" Vide
PostSubject: Republican idiot Richard Mourdock: Even pregnancy from rape something "God intended"   Republican idiot Richard Mourdock: Even pregnancy from rape something "God intended" Icon_minitimeWed Oct 24, 2012 12:40 am

In a Tuesday night debate with his Democratic rival and a Libertarian candidate for one of Indiana's U.S. Senate seats, Republican candidate Richard Mourdock suggested that pregnancies resulting from rape are "something that God intended to happen," despite the "horrible situation" from which they derived.

Republican idiot Richard Mourdock: Even pregnancy from rape something "God intended" Mourdockap7871845155956

Mourdock, a Tea Party-backed candidate who beat longtime moderate Senator Richard Lugar in the state's Republican nominating contest earlier this year, expressed his view that "life begins at conception" and that he would only allow abortions in circumstances in which the mother's life was in danger.

"I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize life is that gift from God," Mourdock said. "And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen."

Democrats immediately pounced on his comments, and Donnelly -- who is also pro-life but who supports exceptions for rape and incest -- released a statement questioning the notion that God would "intend for rape to happen."

"The God I believe in and the God I know most Hoosiers believe in, does not intend for rape to happen -- ever," Donnelly said. "What Mr. Mourdock said is shocking, and it is stunning that he would be so disrespectful to survivors of rape."

Mourdock, seeking to clarify his comments in a press conference following the debate, said he had intended to say that "God creates life," and that any interpretation of his comments to mean God "pre-ordained rape" were "sick" and "twisted."
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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Republican idiot Richard Mourdock: Even pregnancy from rape something "God intended" Vide
PostSubject: Re: Republican idiot Richard Mourdock: Even pregnancy from rape something "God intended"   Republican idiot Richard Mourdock: Even pregnancy from rape something "God intended" Icon_minitimeWed Oct 24, 2012 12:44 am

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Republican idiot Richard Mourdock: Even pregnancy from rape something "God intended"

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