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 Funny: Scott Brown Supporter From Ad Calls Elizabeth Warren 'Douchebag,' Obama A 'Faggot' and 'Muslim in the White House'

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Funny: Scott Brown Supporter From Ad Calls Elizabeth Warren 'Douchebag,' Obama A 'Faggot' and 'Muslim in the White House' Vide
PostSubject: Funny: Scott Brown Supporter From Ad Calls Elizabeth Warren 'Douchebag,' Obama A 'Faggot' and 'Muslim in the White House'   Funny: Scott Brown Supporter From Ad Calls Elizabeth Warren 'Douchebag,' Obama A 'Faggot' and 'Muslim in the White House' Icon_minitimeMon Oct 22, 2012 1:03 am

Scott Brown recently got in hot water for falsely claiming that his Senate race opponent, Elizabeth Warren, was using paid actors in her commercials. But it turns out that Brown is perhaps the one who should have known more about the people appearing in his ads.

Funny: Scott Brown Supporter From Ad Calls Elizabeth Warren 'Douchebag,' Obama A 'Faggot' and 'Muslim in the White House' Patriarcawarren

In a television advertisement running as recently this week, Sen. Scott Brown's (R-Mass.) reelection campaign featured a union construction worker whose publicly accessible Facebook page is riddled with insults against Brown's Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren and President Barack Obama.

(Editor's Note: This post contains strong language that some readers may find objectionable.)

On one post made in August, well before Brown's ad appeared, the worker, George Patriarca, calls Warren a "DOUCHEBAG." On another he labels the president a "faggot," and on a third he says, "there is a Muslim in the White House."
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Funny: Scott Brown Supporter From Ad Calls Elizabeth Warren 'Douchebag,' Obama A 'Faggot' and 'Muslim in the White House'

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