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 LOL: Lagerfeld calls French President ‘idiot’

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LOL: Lagerfeld calls French President ‘idiot’ Vide
PostSubject: LOL: Lagerfeld calls French President ‘idiot’   LOL: Lagerfeld calls French President ‘idiot’ Icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 9:10 pm

German born fashion designer and photographer Karl Lagerfeld called French President Francois Hollande an “idiot” for his “anti-rich” policy and also spoke his mind about the Spanish monarchy.

LOL: Lagerfeld calls French President ‘idiot’ Lagerfeldkarln

Lagerfeld is known for voicing his opinions openly. He dubbed singer Adele “a little too fat”, told the world about Greece’s and Italy’s “disgusting habits”, and said that if he was a Russian woman he’d be a lesbian as the Russian men are “very ugly.”

Following these notorious statements the ‘Keiser’ has given his opinion again, this time at Spanish Marie Claire magazine in an interview, which is due next month.

Unsurprisingly, the famed fashion master did not mince his words, Spanish El Mundo daily reports. Chanel designer slammed the head of his own state Francois Hollande for his policy against the rich.

“This idiot will become the same disaster as [Jose Luis] Zapatero, [Spain's former prime minister]. Hollande hates the rich, it's horrible. He wants to punish them and of course, now the French rich leave the country and there soon will be nobody left to invest in the state economy,” Lagerfeld said.

"France is not competitive without its fashion, jewelry, perfume and wine. All other products do not sell. Who buys French cars? I do not," Lagerfeld added.
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LOL: Lagerfeld calls French President ‘idiot’

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