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 Funny: OZschwitz uni tutor strips down to her bra, panties and it's OK

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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Funny: OZschwitz uni tutor strips down to her bra, panties and it's OK  Vide
PostSubject: Funny: OZschwitz uni tutor strips down to her bra, panties and it's OK    Funny: OZschwitz uni tutor strips down to her bra, panties and it's OK  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 12:10 am

A SUNSHINE Coast university teacher who stripped down to her underwear during a tutorial will not be disciplined.

Funny: OZschwitz uni tutor strips down to her bra, panties and it's OK  251500777sbr090312fund2

A student at the University of the Sunshine Coast lodged a formal complaint after his tutor spent more than an hour teaching in her bra and panties.

The student, who was attending a tutorial in exercise management in chronic disease, said he considered the behaviour "inappropriate", "disgraceful" and "unprofessional".

USC Deputy Vice-Chancellor Birgit Lohmann has investigated the incident and says it is "standard practice in clinical training".
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Funny: OZschwitz uni tutor strips down to her bra, panties and it's OK

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