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 OZschwitz idiots: Blind man Tasered as poLICE mistake white stick for Samurai sword

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz idiots: Blind man Tasered as poLICE mistake white stick for Samurai sword Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz idiots: Blind man Tasered as poLICE mistake white stick for Samurai sword   OZschwitz idiots: Blind man Tasered as poLICE mistake white stick for Samurai sword Icon_minitimeWed Oct 17, 2012 6:54 pm

A "terrified" blind man has been hit with a 50,000 volt Taser gun after UK police mistook his white stick for a Samurai sword.

Stroke victim Colin Farmer, 61, collapsed to the ground in shock after he was hit in the back with the gun while walking down the street in Chorley, Lancashire.

Police had received reports of a man walking through the town armed with the deadly martial arts weapon and raced to the scene to hunt down the offender.

Meanwhile Mr Farmer, who has suffered two strokes and walks at a "snail's pace", was on his way to the pub to meet friends for a drink and did not realise anything was afoot.

He had no idea a police officer had mistaken his thin white stick for a machete and ordered him to stop before pulling the trigger on the Taser gun.

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OZschwitz idiots: Blind man Tasered as poLICE mistake white stick for Samurai sword

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