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 A republican idiot per day: Evolution is a 'lie'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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A republican idiot per day: Evolution is a 'lie' Vide
PostSubject: A republican idiot per day: Evolution is a 'lie'   A republican idiot per day: Evolution is a 'lie' Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2012 10:55 pm

A Republican congressman who sits on the science committee of the House of Representatives has dismissed evolution, the Big Bang theory and embryology as "lies straight from the pit of hell".

A republican idiot per day: Evolution is a 'lie' Mtbroun1201210081054084

Paul Broun, running for re-election unopposed by Democrats as Georgia representative next month, made the comments during a speech at a Baptist church last month. A videoclip of the event has been posted on YouTube.

Broun, a doctor, said that "as a scientist" he had found data that showed the Earth was no older than 9000 years and was created in six days. Mainstream science holds that it is 4.5 billion years old. Broun said theories about the origins of the universe and evolution represent "lies to try and keep me and all the folk that were taught that from understanding that they need a saviour".

His spokeswoman, Meredith Griffanti, told the Athens Banner-Herald in Georgia: "Dr Broun was speaking off the record to a large church group about his personal beliefs on religious issues."

But his comments may prove an embarrassment to colleagues on the House committee on science, space and technology. The congressional body was subjected to scrutiny this summer over remarks made by Todd Akin, the representative for Missouri. He sparked outrage by suggesting that it was "really rare" for rape to result in pregnancy.

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A republican idiot per day: Evolution is a 'lie'

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