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 More statist idiots: India to get its first bullet trains - but run them slowly

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

More statist idiots: India to get its first bullet trains - but run them slowly Vide
PostSubject: More statist idiots: India to get its first bullet trains - but run them slowly   More statist idiots: India to get its first bullet trains - but run them slowly Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2012 10:54 pm

India is in talks to buy its first bullet trains for the nation's creaking and accident-prone network, but the new fleet will run at only a fraction of its top speed, a report said on Wednesday.

The government is speaking to Japanese, French and German manufacturers to purchase six new trains, which are capable of running at speeds of up to 325 kilometres per hour, the Hindustan Times newspaper reported.

"Such projects have a long gestation period, but one has to start somewhere," the newspaper quoted an anonymous official as saying in its report headlined: "Soon: Bullet trains for tortoise tracks".

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More statist idiots: India to get its first bullet trains - but run them slowly

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