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 OZschwitz slave pen: Party laws too harsh: Civil libertarians

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz slave pen: Party laws too harsh: Civil libertarians Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz slave pen: Party laws too harsh: Civil libertarians   OZschwitz slave pen: Party laws too harsh: Civil libertarians Icon_minitimeTue Sep 25, 2012 8:18 pm

Laws that could result in fines or jail for someone who organises a get together of 12 people that gets out of hand are draconian, according to the Civil Liberties Council of WA.

OZschwitz slave pen: Party laws too harsh: Civil libertarians Outofcontrolpartywide-620x349

President of the council Peter Weygers said the legislation introduced to Parliament yesterday to tackle out-of-control parties were heavy-handed and should be reconsidered.

Under the proposed laws, a person who organises a gathering of 12 people - at which two people break the law - could face a year in jail or a $12,000 fine and an additional penalty of paying back the cost of police resources.

The laws could also see badly behaved party-goers face big fines and jail time for not adhering to police instructions.

Mr Weygers said people could be put off holding parties or having friends over at their homes.

"People might say, I'm not going to risk that," he said.

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OZschwitz slave pen: Party laws too harsh: Civil libertarians

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