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 Immoral Iranian authorities took the daughter of former president Rafsanjani to prison for “spreading anti-state propaganda”

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Immoral Iranian authorities took the daughter of former president Rafsanjani to prison for “spreading anti-state propaganda” Vide
PostSubject: Immoral Iranian authorities took the daughter of former president Rafsanjani to prison for “spreading anti-state propaganda”   Immoral Iranian authorities took the daughter of former president Rafsanjani to prison for “spreading anti-state propaganda” Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2012 8:23 pm

Iranian authorities took the daughter of former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani to prison late on Saturday to serve a six-month sentence for “spreading anti-state propaganda,” a source close to her family told Al Arabiya. Iranian security forces broke into Faezeh Rafsanjani’s house at about 11 p.m. and detained her, the source said on condition of anonymity.
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Immoral Iranian authorities took the daughter of former president Rafsanjani to prison for “spreading anti-state propaganda”

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