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 Idiot: Nuclear submarine commander faked death to end affair

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Idiot: Nuclear submarine commander faked death to end affair Vide
PostSubject: Idiot: Nuclear submarine commander faked death to end affair   Idiot: Nuclear submarine commander faked death to end affair Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2012 1:38 am

Navy investigators have found that a ranking officer faked his death as a means to end an affair. The move has now cost him the command of a nuclear submarine.

Idiot: Nuclear submarine commander faked death to end affair 40121962

The finding of the faked death was in a military report obtained by the Associated Press through a Freedom of Information request. It confirms details first reported by the Day, a newspaper in New London, Conn.

The case of Cmdr. Michael P. Ward II became known last month when he was appointed commander of the Pittsburgh, based in Connecticut. A week after assuming command Aug. 3, Ward was relieved of his duties amid reports that he had an affair with a 23-year-old Virginia woman and then faked his death to end it.,0,6817965.story
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Idiot: Nuclear submarine commander faked death to end affair

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