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 Jooish Idiots: Denouncing City’s Move to Regulate Circumcision

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
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Jooish Idiots: Denouncing City’s Move to Regulate Circumcision Vide
PostSubject: Jooish Idiots: Denouncing City’s Move to Regulate Circumcision   Jooish Idiots: Denouncing City’s Move to Regulate Circumcision Icon_minitimeThu Sep 13, 2012 10:13 pm

The grandmother carried the sleeping infant boy on a white pillow toward the synagogue’s altar, and passed him to her son. Her son carried the infant toward the mohel, or Jewish ritual circumciser, who stood amid a cluster of chanting men.

Jooish Idiots: Denouncing City’s Move to Regulate Circumcision Jpsuctionarticleinline

The mohel lifted the infant’s clothing to expose his tiny penis. With a rapid flick of a sharp two-sided scalpel, the mohel sliced off the foreskin and held it between his fingers. Then he took a sip of red wine from a cup and bent his head. He placed his lips below the cut, around the base of the baby’s penis, for a split second, creating suction, then let the wine spill from his mouth out over the wound.

Sick mystic fucks!

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Jooish Idiots: Denouncing City’s Move to Regulate Circumcision

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