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 India's idiotic judge: It's okay for a man to beat his wife as long as he was taking good care of his wife

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India's idiotic judge: It's okay for a man to beat his wife as long as he was taking good care of his wife Vide
PostSubject: India's idiotic judge: It's okay for a man to beat his wife as long as he was taking good care of his wife   India's idiotic judge: It's okay for a man to beat his wife as long as he was taking good care of his wife Icon_minitimeSat Sep 08, 2012 10:06 pm

Sexist remarks cost Karnataka judge family court cases

India's idiotic judge: It's okay for a man to beat his wife as long as he was taking good care of his wife 0806bhaktavatsala

Following an outrage over certain remarks made by a judge of Karnataka High Court on women in an open court, all family court matters, including child custody and guardianship, have been shifted from him and another judge.

The matters have been shifted to the court of Justices KL Manjunath and V Suri Appa Rao from the court of Justice Bhakthavatsala and Justice BS Indrakala.

There was no other change in the subjects listed against the name of Justices Bhakthavatsala and Indrakala. The changes will come into effect from September 10, official sources said.

The shifting of the matters comes in the wake of the outrage expressed by women lawyers and activists to certain oral remarks made by Justice Bhakthavatsala in an open court. While hearing a case, he reportedly said it was okay for a man to indulge in domestic violence and beat his wife as long as he was taking good care of his wife.
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India's idiotic judge: It's okay for a man to beat his wife as long as he was taking good care of his wife

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