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 That idiotic Putin again: " is the duty of the state to protect the feelings of believers”

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That idiotic Putin again:  " is the duty of the state to protect the feelings of believers” Vide
PostSubject: That idiotic Putin again: " is the duty of the state to protect the feelings of believers”   That idiotic Putin again:  " is the duty of the state to protect the feelings of believers” Icon_minitimeSat Sep 08, 2012 9:51 pm

He also commented on the situation involving the scandalous actions of the punk group Pussy Riot at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, which aroused great public interest, both in Russia and abroad. Putin said that he was aware of what was happening in the case and “staying well out of it.” Putin described the so-called “punk prayer” in Russia’s main church as a “witches’ Sabbath.”

That idiotic Putin again:  " is the duty of the state to protect the feelings of believers” Kremlinruputin468

The president recalled the beginning of the Soviet period, which brought much suffering to believers through the victimization of a huge number of priests, Orthodox Christians, Muslims and representatives of other religions. Countless churches were destroyed and all religions suffered great injury. “In general, it is the duty of the state to protect the feelings of believers,” said Putin.
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That idiotic Putin again: " is the duty of the state to protect the feelings of believers”

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