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 Fascist idiot: Make kids get phone licence, says OZschwitz expert

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Fascist idiot: Make kids get phone licence, says OZschwitz expert Vide
PostSubject: Fascist idiot: Make kids get phone licence, says OZschwitz expert   Fascist idiot: Make kids get phone licence, says OZschwitz expert Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2012 12:46 am

NSW schools should introduce a licence for students before they can use mobile phones and tablets at school, says the adolescent psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg.

Fascist idiot: Make kids get phone licence, says OZschwitz expert Artmicahelcarrgregg620x

His intention is not to ban them, rather to facilitate greater use of technology by first teaching students what safe and responsible use is and then obtaining their agreement to abide by a set of rules and conditions.

Students would sit a licence test online with their parents needing to sign up to validate their digital rights, says Dr Carr-Gregg, who has written a report for the Queensland Education Department.

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Fascist idiot: Make kids get phone licence, says OZschwitz expert

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