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 Idiot: Elisabeth Murdoch declares support for BBC licence fee

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiot: Elisabeth Murdoch declares support for BBC licence fee Vide
PostSubject: Idiot: Elisabeth Murdoch declares support for BBC licence fee   Idiot: Elisabeth Murdoch declares support for BBC licence fee Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2012 11:35 pm

Elisabeth Murdoch has come out in support of the BBC licence fee in a speech to TV executives in Edinburgh.

Giving the annual MacTaggart lecture, the daughter of News Corporation founder Rupert also praised the BBC for its creative leadership.

Her brother James delivered the lecture in 2009, and notoriously described the BBC's size and ambition as "chilling".

Ms Murdoch also criticised the "dearth of integrity" highlighted in the Leveson inquiry into press standards.

Delivering the Festival's keynote speech, she said the exposure of the "sometimes self-serving relationships" between great pillars of society such as police, politics, media and banking served as a reminder that "with great power comes responsibility".

Referring to the Leveson Inquiry, she said the result should be the "fierce protection of a free press and light touch media regulation", adding that it was hard to argue for this because of the "unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions."

"Sadly the greatest threats to our free society are too often from the enemies within," she said.

Independence from regulation, she added "is only democratically viable when we accept that we have a responsibility to each other and not just to our bottom line".
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Idiot: Elisabeth Murdoch declares support for BBC licence fee

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