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 Statist Idiots: China Adds to Visa Demands in Move That Could Slow Tourists

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Statist Idiots: China Adds to Visa Demands in Move That Could Slow Tourists Vide
PostSubject: Statist Idiots: China Adds to Visa Demands in Move That Could Slow Tourists   Statist Idiots: China Adds to Visa Demands in Move That Could Slow Tourists Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2012 4:04 am

China has tightened visa rules for visitors, adding requirements for a letter of invitation and proof of hotel reservations in a move that could slow its push to become the world’s biggest tourism destination.

Statist Idiots: China Adds to Visa Demands in Move That Could Slow Tourists 17243901

Travelers applying for tourist visas, must submit a letter from an “authorized tourism unit,” company or person inviting them to China, along with a photocopy of their round-trip ticket and hotel reservation, according to rules posted on the website of China’s embassy in the U.S.

The rule changes come after Chinese authorities have put foreigners’ status in the country under greater scrutiny and sought to clamp down on people entering the country illegally. The World Tourism Organization has predicted that China may become the world’s biggest destination for tourists by 2015.

“If implemented strictly, the new requirements could have an impact on the number of foreign tourists” and revenue among travel agencies, said Zhang Lu, a Shanghai-based analyst at Capital Securities Corp.
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Statist Idiots: China Adds to Visa Demands in Move That Could Slow Tourists

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