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 Statist Idiot: Rep. Todd Akin: No pregnancy from 'legitimate rape'

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Statist Idiot: Rep. Todd Akin: No pregnancy from 'legitimate rape' Vide
PostSubject: Statist Idiot: Rep. Todd Akin: No pregnancy from 'legitimate rape'   Statist Idiot: Rep. Todd Akin: No pregnancy from 'legitimate rape' Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2012 3:58 am

If there is something everyone can agree on, it would seem that the idea that rape can result in unwanted pregnancy would be right up there at the top of the list.

Not so in Missouri, where the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate on Sunday advanced the theory that the female reproductive system shuts down when a woman is being raped, thus preventing conception.,0,7447581.story
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Statist Idiot: Rep. Todd Akin: No pregnancy from 'legitimate rape'

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