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 Thousands of idiots attend service for Brazos County constable killed in shootout

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Thousands of idiots attend service for Brazos County constable killed in shootout Vide
PostSubject: Thousands of idiots attend service for Brazos County constable killed in shootout   Thousands of idiots attend service for Brazos County constable killed in shootout Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 1:20 am

More than 3,000 people attended a service Saturday for Brazos County Constable Brian Bachmann, who was among three people killed in a shootout near Texas A&M University.

Thousands of idiots attend service for Brazos County constable killed in shootout Cocvmst58

Law enforcement officers attended from across the state, including Lubbock in West Texas and Hidalgo County in South Texas.

Authorities say Bachmann, 41, a married father of four, was fatally shot Monday by Thomas Alton Caffall III. The constable was trying to serve Caffall a court summons for being two months behind on rent. Other officers fatally shot Caffall, 35, whose family said he had mental problems.

A bystander was also killed in the shootout. Three police officers and a female bystander were wounded.
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Thousands of idiots attend service for Brazos County constable killed in shootout

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