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 The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
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The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Vide
PostSubject: The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video   The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2012 4:51 am

Just listen to these cretins:
Quote :

Someone at NBC Apparently Approved This Creepy, Porny Video of Female Olympians

Quote :

NBC's 'Bodies In Motion' Video Faces Backlash For Objectifying Female Athletes (VIDEO)


See the hyped-up, non-event, here:
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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Vide
PostSubject: Re: The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video   The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2012 5:10 am

The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Baby-yawn
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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
Humor : Über Serious

The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Vide
PostSubject: Re: The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video   The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2012 5:18 am


Then there's this cunt, which whines, because some other chick got a commercial offer, which she doesn't like:
Quote :

Anime Convention Bizarrely Offers Established Cosplayer a Stripper Gig in Exchange for $200 and Snacks

The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Xlarged

Ginny McQueen, a costumer of 14 years who works full-time as Director of New Media for, the largest cosplay website on the internet, recently received a proposal from an anime convention in Las Vegas offering her $200, snacks, and two free tickets in exchange for a "live burlesque performance" that would require McQueen to strip down to her undergarments (lingerie or pasties!) and dance for hours on both Friday and Saturday nights.

Hey Katie J.M. Baker, I think the offer is too generous! I'd offer her half of that, plus she'd have to suck on a few dicks...

Now you can go apoplectic on me too, you idiot!
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The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Vide
PostSubject: Re: The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video   The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video Icon_minitime

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The idiotic leftist cunts at Jezabel, Huffington Post, bitching about a garden variety video

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