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 Ridiculous: Singaporean businessman sentenced to three months jail for having paid sex with minor

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Ridiculous: Singaporean businessman sentenced to three months jail for having paid sex with minor Vide
PostSubject: Ridiculous: Singaporean businessman sentenced to three months jail for having paid sex with minor   Ridiculous: Singaporean businessman sentenced to three months jail for having paid sex with minor Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2012 5:50 am

A prominent Singaporean businessman was sentenced to three months in jail yesterday for having paid sex with a minor, as dozens of other accused men await their fate in a prostitution scandal.

Ridiculous: Singaporean businessman sentenced to three months jail for having paid sex with minor Art353657798938300x0

Howard Shaw, 41, a grandson of Asian movie mogul Runme Shaw and a former environmental activist, was charged in April after being found to have engaged the services of a 17-year-old Singaporean in October 2010.

Shaw, a married father of two, is appealing the sentence and posted bail pending the appeal hearing.

Prostitution is legal in Singapore, but in the scandal which erupted this year, 51 men ranging from their early 20s to late 40s have been charged under a 2008 law that makes it a crime to pay for sex with a woman under 18.

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Ridiculous: Singaporean businessman sentenced to three months jail for having paid sex with minor

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