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 Idiots: Congress erupts in "USA" chant after rousing speech

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Idiots: Congress erupts in "USA" chant after rousing speech Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: Congress erupts in "USA" chant after rousing speech   Idiots: Congress erupts in "USA" chant after rousing speech Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2012 10:56 pm

Following a rousing speech by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) supporting the passage of H.R. 4078, a deregulation bill, on the House floor on Thursday, members started a "USA" chant, giving the Congressman a standing ovation.

Idiots: Congress erupts in "USA" chant after rousing speech Houseusachant860x614

From the comments:
Quote :

by andyk1234 July 26, 2012 10:50 PM EDT
Jeez, what a bunch of drunken frat-monkeys. You're government officials making 6 figures a year in taxpayer money and the unemployment rate is at 8%. You shouldn't be acting like a bunch of football fans. Stop taking your shirts off and painting your chests and get to work. We've spent nearly $50M on 33 useless attempts to repeal the ACA. "USA USA USA!!"??? I don't understand how these people's brains work...
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Idiots: Congress erupts in "USA" chant after rousing speech

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