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 Idiots: Navy radio cripples garage doors

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots: Navy radio cripples garage doors Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: Navy radio cripples garage doors   Idiots: Navy radio cripples garage doors Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 3:42 am

A radio signal being transmitted out of a submarine base is likely behind reports of garage doors failing to open and close in southeastern Connecticut, the U.S. Navy said.

Idiots: Navy radio cripples garage doors Art655732888620x349

The signal is part of the Enterprise Land Mobile Radio system, which is used by the military to coordinate responses with civil emergency workers, said Chris Zendan, a spokesman for submarine base in Groton.

Because garage door openers are unlicensed devices, they are not offered any protection from interference by licensed users in the same frequency band.

The problem, first reported by The Day of New London, is that the same frequency is used at very low levels by the manufacturers of garage door openers. The signals from remote controls to open or close the doors are blocked by the signal from the base.

Overhead Door Co. told the newspaper it has been receiving complaints from several towns near the base and has found no problem with its equipment. The Associated Press left messages with the company Monday.

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