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 SCOTLAND'S Naked Rambler barely out of jail

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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SCOTLAND'S Naked Rambler barely out of jail Vide
PostSubject: SCOTLAND'S Naked Rambler barely out of jail   SCOTLAND'S Naked Rambler barely out of jail Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:09 pm

SCOTLAND'S Naked Rambler has finally been released from prison after six years of near-constant incarceration.

SCOTLAND'S Naked Rambler barely out of jail Zahnakedlw2303122012071

Stephen Gough's imprisonment began in May 2006 when he stripped off on a flight from Southampton to Edinburgh. He was returning to Scotland to face charges over the second of his Land's End to John o' Groats (southern-most to northern-most tips of Britain) naked rambles that had seen him make jovial appearances in the national press, and less jovial appearances in the docks of various Scottish courts.

SCOTLAND'S Naked Rambler barely out of jail Zahnakedln2303122012071

The mid-air strip (which in court was described as having little effect other than exciting an onboard hen party) earned Gough a four-month sentence for breach of the peace. Those four months have been extended over and over again as Gough has each time insisted on leaving prison without any clothing. The prison authorities notify the police, he's charged with a further breach of the peace and he's sent back to jail.
Scotand's Naked Rambler intended to walk out of prison naked, hoping he would be left to tackle his hike home to Bournemouth on England's south coast.

Scotand's Naked Rambler intended to walk out of prison naked, hoping he would be left to tackle his hike home to Bournemouth on England's south coast. Photo: AP

''What I'm doing isn't about me,'' he said this year in an interview with The Guardian. ''I'm challenging society and it must be challenged because it's wrong.'' It was extreme naturism mixed with equally extreme stubbornness.

Being a naked prisoner had left him in virtual solitary confinement but he said he greatly enjoyed the mail he received after the interview. ''No offer of a wife or girlfriend yet though,'' he joked. But he was glad people would no longer think he was just an attention seeker or, indeed, mad.

He intended to walk out of prison naked, hoping he would be left to tackle his hike home to Bournemouth on England's south coast.

Gough told waiting press on Tuesday, ''This is my vocation,'' before striding south, naked.

If he makes it over the English border, he will find himself on safer ground - the Scottish interpretation of a breach of the peace charge is far more stringent than its English counterpart.

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