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 Idiots: Brazil suspends sales for 3 big mobile operators

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots: Brazil suspends sales for 3 big mobile operators Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: Brazil suspends sales for 3 big mobile operators   Idiots: Brazil suspends sales for 3 big mobile operators Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 11:33 pm

Brazilian regulators have suspended sales of new cellphone plans by three big carriers because of poor service and customer complaints.

Brazilian phone regulator Anatel says in a statement that carriers Oi, TIM and Claro cannot make new sales starting Monday in a varying number of states. Together, the companies represent about 70 percent of Brazil's mobile phone market.

Sales for TIM Participacoes SA are halted in 19 states. It is the local unit of Telecom Italia SpA. Oi, which is Telemar Norte Leste SA, has sales stopped in five states. America Movil SA's Brazilian unit Claro SA has sales suspended in three states.
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Idiots: Brazil suspends sales for 3 big mobile operators

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