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 Filthy statist child abusers: Berlin to Protect Right to Ritual Circumcision

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Filthy statist child abusers: Berlin to Protect Right to Ritual Circumcision Vide
PostSubject: Filthy statist child abusers: Berlin to Protect Right to Ritual Circumcision   Filthy statist child abusers: Berlin to Protect Right to Ritual Circumcision Icon_minitimeSat Jul 14, 2012 4:13 am

Germany's government pledged Friday to pass a law to protect the ritual circumcision of young boys, seeking to calm a fractious debate over the religious rights of the country's Jews and Muslims that has erupted since a German court ruled the practice amounted to illegal bodily harm.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief spokesman called such legislation "a matter of urgency" after a district court in Cologne ruled in late June that a child's "fundamental right to physical integrity" superseded his parents' rights to carry out a religious practice. Because a child could decide later whether to have the circumcision on his own, that religious freedom wouldn't be unreasonably impaired, the court ruled.

The ruling has since unleashed an outpouring of criticism from Jewish and Muslim groups at home and abroad. The backlash has landed with particular resonance in a country still sensitive to accusations of religious intolerance as a result of the atrocities Nazis committed against Jews during the Third Reich. At an emergency meeting of the Conference of European Rabbis in Berlin earlier this week, its president called the court decision the "worst attack on Jewish life since the Holocaust."

Were the ruling to set a precedent, "there would be no future for most of the Jewish community in Germany," said Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, the body's president.

On Friday, the government sought to quell the uproar and move to clarify the legal uncertainty that the court decision has triggered. "For everyone in the government, it's completely clear: We want Jewish and Muslim religious life in Germany," said Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said. "Circumcisions carried out in a responsible manner must be possible in this country without punishment."
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